Today’s sermon comes to us from the ever-vigilant disciples at the Homeowners Consumer Center, part of America’s Watchdog, who are calling on Congress and the President to immediately implement a new $15,000 homebuyer tax credit:
Americas Watchdog’s Homeowners Consumer Center is urging the U.S. Congress to immediately resurrect the Home Buyers Tax Credit, in order to stabilize residential real estate markets throughout the United States. The group estimates that such legislation could have a dramatic impact on job creation, as well as stabilizing many residential real estate markets throughout the United States. The group says, “The reason the former attempt at a tax credit for home buyers was not as successful as it could have been, is it was limited to first time home buyers only. We say give a $15,000 tax credit to anyone who is qualified to buy a house, including investors, and do it now.”
Indeed, beloved. DO IT NOW.
If the U.S. Congress will enact this new robust Home Buyers Tax Incentive Legislation, that is open to all qualified individuals, or investors, we will not only see a dramatic stabilization of many to most of our nations major real estate markets, we will also put lots of U.S. Citizens back to work.
Yea verily, may your tax incentives be robust, and your home buyers be qualified. Preach it!
We are now warning if the U.S. House of Representatives does not step up to the plate, and enact robust residential real estate home buyers tax credit legislation our real estate markets, and our economy could be going places no one wants to go.
Its pretty obvious President Obama, and his Administration do not have a clue with respect to creating jobs. Our Residential Real Estate Tax Credit Initiative will not only help stabilize the U.S. residential real estate markets, it will put, tens, and tens, of thousands of U.S. citizens back to work in the private sector, and it will pay for itself.
Alas, would the President and Congress would be such fools as to ignore such a clear warning? Let us hope not, beloved.
Go forth this Sunday with the following benediction:
But the appreciation of all equity, which hath called us unto the eternal ownership of homes and land, after that ye have enjoyed low rates and pent-up demand, may your fundamentals be strengthened and your days on market be low. To homeowners be glory and dominion for ever and ever.